Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 10, 2015

The benefits of achieving happiness

All fairytales usually end with the words “And they lived happily ever after”. Everybody is constantly striving to achieve their expectation of happiness. So what is it about happiness that is so perfect? Here are a few benefits that being happy can give you.

You get better health!
Happy people are more likely to have a stronger immune system. They are also shown to endure pain better. Did you also know that happy people are less likely to suffer from depression and there are also fewer suicides because happy people just have better coping skills?

They live longer
People who are always looking on the bright side of life, tend to live longer than pessimists. So what are you waiting for? Have a new positive outlook today.

Success at work
Happier people are more productive at work. When you are happy, not only you feel better, you also have more energy and are able to focus. This increases productivity and creativity. They tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and more happiness shows higher income! Unhappy people are more sluggish, distracted and they are also less productive at work. When working with clients, clients are also attracted to one who emits a positive emotion. A happy person exudes confidence and this confidence will attract more clients.

Better relationships
People are always drawn to happy people. They would want to be around a happy person. Like attracts like. Your whole life becomes happier because you have established a warm and loving character. Your family and friends also become happier. Furthermore, your children respond well to positive thoughts and positive emotions. You will get your children laughing around and growing to happy adults too. In addition, your spouse will also be more loving in your response to your happiness.

So what are you waiting for? Happiness has many benefits and there are no downsides to being happy. So make a choice to be happy today!

Read More: #1AchievingHappiness

                   #2: Happy ForLife Program

Making a happy family: 5 simple tips

Many families now are suffering from issues such as separation, divorce, turmoil and even domestic violence. So how are you going to make your family a happy one? Here are five simple tips.

1.     Focus on teamwork
In any successful sports team, teamwork is extremely important and forms the backbone of the team. A happy family need that too. You could start by doing simple things together like chores and move on to planning a vacation together. If your child has a problem at school, both of you could sit down together and try to solve that problem together.

2.     Spend time together
Try allocating time everyday to spend some quality family time together. Try having activities together like a jog in the park or game night on Friday where all of you could sit down together and play board games.

3.     Enjoy each other’s company.
While spending time with each other, don’t treat it as a chore. You need to learn to enjoy each other’s company. When you enjoy each other’s company, it creates a happier and enjoyable environment at home.

4.     Have dinner together
This may sound simple but families hardly do it! The parents might come home late or the children may be busy with their after school activities. You need to start doing this. Family dinners are absolutely essential. When you eat together, you will be able to spend time together and know how each other days went. You may learn what went on during school and you can tell them what happen in yours. So you are actually encouraging your kids to share.

5.     Be understanding.
Try to be understanding of each other. You need to accept each other for all your talents and limitations. By understanding each other it will create an environment of warmth and trust.

Most importantly, you need to remember, friends may come and go, but your family will always be there for you. So start creating your happy family now.
Read More: #1AchievingHappiness
                   #2: Happy ForLife Program

Being happy with yourself: a step by step guide

Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and started criticizing your appearance? Or there is that little voice in your head that keeps on putting you down? Well, learn to shut that voice and all that negative thoughts. All those thoughts are just pulling you down and stopping you from being happy. Happiness is a choice and you need to choose to be happy. So read our step by step guide on how to be happy.

Firstly, you need to be yourself. Forget about trying to fulfil other people’s expectation. Don’t live your life for others. If you fulfilled their expectations, would you feel happier? The answer is NO. Start living life for yourself!

Secondly, you need to learn to accept yourself. Take a piece of paper. Now write down all your flaws. Write down everything that you hate about yourself. After you looked at it, now tear it up! You need to learn to accept yourself. Now write down a list of the things that you love about yourself. Be kind to yourself. You will soon discover there are plenty of things to love about yourself.

Thirdly, take out the emotional trash.  Do you have friends who are always putting you down and making fun of you? Well you don’t need that kind of people. The only reason they are making fun of you is because they derive pleasure from putting you down. So cut them out of your life. You won’t lose out.

Fourthly, laugh everyday. Hang out with your friends, watch a funny movie, have long chats with old friends and reminisce about the past. Make it a point to laugh everyday. Laughter will help you relax, boost your immune system and help you in general. So learn how to laugh!

Fifthly, try something new! Try a new experience every single day. Life is too short to be spent in the same old routine every single day. So try something new! Be open to new stuff. You never know that you have some hidden talent and you will soon get to see yourself in a whole new light.

So what are you waiting for? Make the wise decision of being happy today. You have the choice and you might as well choose it now. 

Read More: #1AchievingHappiness

                   #2: Happy ForLife Program

Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 10, 2015

A simple guide to being happy at work

Nobody ever thought you could derive happiness from work but you can do that. Studies have found that people who are happier at work have an overall better quality of life than people who are always frustrated because of their work. So how do you be happy at work?
Most importantly, you need to choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice. Think positively about your work. 

Try avoiding the negative aspects of the office like gossips and backstabbing colleagues.
Find colleagues who you get along with and who share the same interest as you. Spend time with them and get to know them. You can always ask them out for drinks after work or have your lunches with them.
Next, don’t be stuck in a rut at your work. You need to take charge of your own professional development. You may not be able to grow or learn as much as your want from your current job.
However, this doesn’t mean that you will not be able to grow professionally. 
Make specific plans about what you want to achieve and how you will go about achieving it. Will it be you taking up extra classes to pick up new skill? Anything! Don’t be on a plateau phase. Keep on going up!
Then, you could ask for feedback from your boss and from your customers. Tell your boss that you would like to hear his opinion about your work.
Try getting feedbacks form your clients too. If you are doing a good job, this will further affirm your believe that you are doing a good job but if there are negative criticisms, take it as an opportunity to grow from their feedbacks.

In conclusion, you can be happy in your job if you choose to be. However if all else fails, it is probably time to re-evaluate your current job and employer. You don’t have to stay there your whole life. Make a conscious decision to change now!
Read More: #1AchievingHappiness

                   #2: Happy ForLife Program

10 simple ways to living a happy life

Everyone strives to be happy but the mistake that everyone makes is that they think that happiness is some kind of finishing line in a race. Once you crossed that line, you will live happily ever after. That is not true. Happiness is a choice! You can choose to make your life happy. So here are a few ways you could try.

  1. Let go of past memories.
Everyone has both sad and happy moments. So forget about your painful memories. What’s in the past stays in the past. Instead focus on your good memories and move on.

  1. Be optimistic.
Always try looking on the bright side of things. Look for the silver lining behind each dark cloud. For example, if you had an unfortunate accident and your car is badly dented, but on the bright side is that nobody got hurt and that dent in your car can be repaired. There is always a bright side to look on so be optimistic!

  1. Be close to your family
Try and maintain a close relationship with your family and friends. Our relationships with them have a greater impact on our happiness than anything else. Human beings are made to be social creatures. So appreciate the existing relationships that you have.

  1. Try finding a job that gives you happiness.
If you are feeling stressed out in your current job and not getting the job satisfaction that you want, perhaps it’s time for a career change. Job satisfaction plays an important part in your happiness. So give your job a chance. Try having a positive attitude in your job. If that doesn’t work, it may time for a change of jobs.

  1. Make friends
You need to make friends with people who share a common interest. Find something that you are deeply passionate about. It could be a hobby or an organization you can volunteer in. There you could meet people who the same interest and passion as you.

  1. Exercise
Exercising releases endorphins. So, not only you are taking care of your body but you will automatically start to feel good about yourself.

  1. Change your thinking
You have to start living life to the fullest. Don’t delay your life a second longer. Try something new everyday or pick up a new skill!

  1. Don’t let the small stuff bug you.
Remember all the small petty stuff that used to bother you? Forget all about it and focus on the bigger picture. Life is too short to be worry about trivial stuff.

  1. Live your life for yourself.
Stop trying to live your life up to other people’s expectations. You are your own person. So start living it for yourself!

  1. Lastly, remember to love with all your heart. You have all these love to give so give your love to something and start feeling happy today!
Read More: #1AchievingHappiness

                   #2: Happy ForLife Program